Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 346

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Approximate Length:
45m (9 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 6/13/2020 11:23:33 AM, Riley Smith said:
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Portage? What portage? This one seems to have turned into the wild west with folks cutting trails wherever they would like. There were at least four different landings and trails. The actual portage (I think) is now just a walk down a small waterfall.
On 6/23/2017 10:43:28 AM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
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Not much more than a stones throw from the portage just to the south. If coming from the south, you need to watch closely for the small finger (on the right) of water leading to the landing for this portage. Otherwise you may inadvertently paddle up to the portage to Fay Lake. The portage starts at a swampy landing with some boulders and then climbs up a potentially slippery rock slab to a narrow boulder filled landing on Bingshick.
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Bingshick portage #2
Bingshick portage #2 by TuscaroraBorealis
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