Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Sylvania Portage 15016 (Crooked to Clark)

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On 9/15/2021 10:16:32 AM, wiscofan said:
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Very easy portage. Many spots are very wide and well trodden. The Crooked end isn't necessarily hard to find but it is a really mucky, weedy landing area (just head past the Squirrel campsites and follow that shoreline till you see the opening in the trees) The other side on Clark couldn't be more of the opposite. When we went it was a huge sand beach which was great to take a snack break on and perfect for landing and taking off from.
On 4/1/2016 6:03:34 PM, Sylvania trippin said:
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Easy portage, well used, seems relatively flat. Very wide and very open. About the same in either direction, but it can be extremely difficult to find in the wild rice paddies, coming from Crooked!
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Crooked-Clark Portage Landing (Crooked Side)
Crooked-Clark Portage Landing (Crooked Side) by Ben Strege
Crooked-Clark Portage Landing (Clark Side)
Crooked-Clark Portage Landing (Clark Side) by Ben Strege
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