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Woodland Caribou Portage 20028 (Jigsaw to Gulch)

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On 11/28/2024 1:36:28 PM, Matt Long said:
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I agree with the other comments...the jack pine re-growth is coming back thick. This survived the 2021 forest fire. But the Park must have cleared this one recently, because I was able to portage it in one carry with no trees down. The rock cairns help along the way. Follow them and you won't have a problem. I spent some time at both entrances knocking back the trees and making rock cairns, so it is easy to find.
On 5/28/2018 5:09:15 PM, laxarcher said:
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This portage is not cut out or maintained. The area was burned out several years ago and is overgrown with dense 10’ pines. Had to chart, cut and flag our own portage. Path takes you to the top of the hill and back down. Wouldn’t be so bad if it were cut through.
On 3/28/2018 10:36:14 AM, vern.dewit said:
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A very nice portage but can be a bit challenging with rock cairns marking the path through the burn and some steep hills on bare rock - take care if wet!
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The Gulch to Jigsaw Portage Route
The Gulch to Jigsaw Portage Route by vern.dewit
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