Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Woodland Caribou Portage 20216

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On 1/27/2025 1:43:11 PM, Matt Long said:
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I have done the "three teeth" portages numerous times over the years and this is the first time I have seen the eastern side of the portage flooded out by a beaver. Normally it is a dry or somewhat wet bog that you walk through. The water was deep enough when I did it, that I had to re-load the canoe and float over this section for about 50 m. Keep this in mind if the beavers stick around over the next few years.
On 12/3/2024 4:22:54 PM, vern.dewit said:
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The middle tooth in the “3 teeth portage” between Paull and South Paull Lake. The east end was a manky mess thanks to a beaver in 2024.
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Burnt Trail
Burnt Trail by vern.dewit
Portage Trail
Portage Trail by vern.dewit
A manky mess on the middle tooth of the "3 tooth" portage towards Paull Lake.
A manky mess on the middle tooth of the "3 tooth" portage towards Paull Lake. by vern.dewit
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