Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 324 (Basswood River)

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Approximate Length:
244m (49 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/8/2025 3:09:34 PM, collinsm22 said:
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This portage is longer than the Canadian portage nearby, but it's much easier. The Canadian one isn't maintained, so it can get very muddy, and it's also steeper.
On 9/8/2023 1:19:13 PM, Riley Smith said:
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A little rocky at points, but easy enough. It took a moment to spot it before we found the right trail and were on our merry way.
On 9/6/2022 5:08:00 PM, moof said:
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Unless this portage is literally under water, use this over the Canadian side.
On 6/2/2018 6:26:28 PM, twincitiesjesse said:
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Had difficulty finding this when approaching from the east. What appears to be a long narrow bay on the McKenzie map is actually a waterfall. The land north of this portage that appears to be a peninsula is actually an island, splitting Wheelbarrow falls in half. Eastern landing appears to be accessible at all times. We had no difficulty launching from the western landing, but if the current is strong, it may be difficult to land there.
On 10/18/2015 5:11:05 PM, Prorecreator said:
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A tough choice between this portage and the one on the Canadian side. This one has a much better path, but tough landings on either end.
On 11/27/2014 10:21:18 PM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
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Very, very rocky from start to finish. In high water the Canadian portage needs to be used, as this one will likely be impossible to reach.
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Wheelbarrow Falls
Wheelbarrow Falls by TuscaroraBorealis
Such a funny narrow channel
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