Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 395 (Snipe)

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Approximate Length:
223m (44 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/29/2024 7:54:59 PM, Christopher Halvorson said:
Visit Date:

Had to carry over a beaver dam right before the portage. The portage is easy enough with a little current on the put in side of Snipe Lake. 2nd time through in 2023. No dam, but had to do some butt skootching.
On 1/9/2024 7:48:52 PM, ElkNinja said:
Visit Date:

Good conditions when I visited but I agree you need to watch where you put your feet on the trail.
On 3/19/2023 3:40:39 PM, Riley Smith said:
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Absolute mud pit on the cross side! Low water is not the best time for this. Finally slogged through there and then it was nice to be on the water again on Snipe. There was an otter there who was none too happy to see me.
On 7/28/2019 3:19:41 PM, Worth said:
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I assume water levels were low. I could not paddle my solo canoe up to the beaver dam for the lift over. Upon stepping out of the canoe into the muck I plunged to my crotch in the soft muck and almost rolled the canoe trying to stop my descent and get back in. I had to work my way to the grass mats and line the canoe to the beaver dam.
On 6/10/2016 8:29:16 PM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
Visit Date:

Ditto on beaver dam. This portage is manageable but is a technically challenging very rocky uphill to Snipe lake. It was a little wet too.
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Cross Bay landing to Snipe portage
Cross Bay landing to Snipe portage by TuscaroraBorealis
PXL_20230807_143312015.PORTRAIT.jpg by Christopher Halvorson
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