Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 43 (Mountain to Pemmican)

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You can click on the campsites, portages, and lakes on the map to go to their respective pages. To see the portage on a fully interactive map, click on the "View on Interactive Map" link found below.
Approximate Length:
439m (87 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

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On 1/4/2025 8:34:54 PM, bnics said:
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As others stated, this does run through the campsite. Portage is a bitch and I was just walking it because we stayed at this site
On 11/30/2017 10:19:12 AM, BobberRob said:
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This is not for the faint of heart. Taking a canoe up this portage is good workout. You will encounter numerous downed trees. You will have to crawl over, under, around, and on top of trees. Take a look at the elevation chart, it does not have any flat spots. There are more difficult portages in the BWCA, but not many. 5/5 on difficulty.
On 4/27/2014 4:23:09 PM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
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The portage IS NOT at the location where this and other maps indicate it is. The trail actually runs right through the campsite just to the west. This portage was akin to what I'd envision running the gauntlet was like. It had every concievable obstacle. Several downed trees, twists & turns where the canoe would barely clear without rubbing on trees, roots, rocks, bad footholds, & even a muddy wetspot! All to be overcome while climbing one of the steepest hills I've encountered in the BWCA. Trail maintenance would help some. But it will still be a tough road to travel regardless. Having said all that. We still gave it 2 thumbs up!!!
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