Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Quetico Portage 5205 (McKenzie to Belaire)

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Approximate Length:
1522m (303 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/9/2025 4:13:35 PM, collinsm22 said:
Visit Date:

This was our second mud slog of the trip, but not as bad as the trip into Belaire. The fog created a surreal scene. I do not recommend this route east out of McKenzie. Bellaire isn't as pretty as McKenzie, and going further than that incurs a huge penalty.
On 8/15/2024 11:13:39 PM, spage said:
Visit Date:

Fisher map not in right spot. This view is more accurate. Entry from McKenzie had us doubt ourselves due to the vegetation, and the muck. Once we got through the muck the rest wasn't so bad other than it's a good bit of climb to Belaire
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A color photo, really
A color photo, really by collinsm22
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