Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Quetico Portage 5222 (Belaire)

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Approximate Length:
850m (169 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/9/2025 3:39:35 PM, collinsm22 said:
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We were trying to get to McKenzie from the Wawiag River, and our guide said this was the best way. I'm not convinced he was correct, but we were committed before I realized this. Plus, we were ont he first day of the trip, and still filled with piss and vinegar. This portage was an adventure of wading through mud. The canoes and packs weighed us down into waist-deep muck that was nearly impassible. We ended up dragging the boats and gear across the marshes as we skimmed ourselves over the top, pulling ourselves along with marsh plants. On a colder day, it would have been dangerous, as there didn't seem to be a way to avoid the huge marsh, and it was not paddleable.
On 8/15/2024 11:21:02 PM, spage said:
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The crux of this portage is the filled in lake/bog that you meet soon after exiting Belaire. Its full of grasses and due to lack of much use has no obvious route or obvious way to identify exits. On way to Wawiag there is a rather taller dead tree that is more to the left of center of the lake from your perspective coming from Belaire, that tree gets you in the ball park of exit. I think you will find this exit from the grassy area close to Lat: 48.464030 Lon: -90.977353 Also mind the mud as you make entry to Wawiag, my feet washed out from under me.
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