Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Quetico Portage 5466 (Lac La Croix to Bottle)

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Approximate Length:
432m (86 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/8/2025 11:46:25 PM, collinsm22 said:
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The portage was easy, but quite muddy. The east end isn't as bad as the west end. It started raining when we got to the end of the portage, and didn't stop for the rest of the day. The water wasn't low the next day.
On 8/5/2024 1:44:22 PM, pileofleaves said:
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The landing on the Bottle Lake side can be muddy. And others are right: Take the "high road" (the right fork as you go NW to SE; or the left path from the Bottle side). Decent portage. I'd take it again.
On 1/29/2024 3:00:09 PM, halvorson.christopher said:
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decent elevation drop. This place was a mud path when we went through in spring. But water was pretty high.
On 3/15/2023 7:22:41 PM, Riley Smith said:
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The group was torn about taking the longer portage or paddling up to take this one. This was mid-pandemic and the word was the canadians were a little touchy about crossing. Eventually though, the other half caved and we came up to take this one. The Bottle end was an absolute mud pit for a good ways out from the landing. The portage itself wasn't quite so bad, but the wind was howling on LLC.
On 10/14/2022 3:34:10 PM, todd burkes said:
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My party agreed to NEVER take this portage again. Pick your poison. Steep ascent/descent or muddy, either way it sux. I will plan another trip using only Black Robe to enter and exit
On 1/3/2021 6:20:11 PM, curiosiT said:
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The previous descriptions are right: there are two trails you can take. When my group was there the trail on the left was boggy and muddy, so we opted for the one on the right. It was a bit steeper and the terrain was a little trickier but all in all, it was a relatively standard portage, not too bad, not too great.
On 2/24/2016 1:15:20 PM, gymcoachdon said:
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Previous description is correct, there is a "high road" that eliminates a lot of the muck on this trail, at the expense of a pretty good climb and steep descent! If you have been experiencing wet portage trails, I say stick to the high route. It is the more southerly trail, on your left coming from Bottle Lake. The trails then join for the last 20 rods or so into LLC.
On 6/23/2014 8:03:00 AM, Bradford said:
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This portage has a high road and a load road. In the spring or any other "wet" time take the high road. The low is very wet, muddy and full of potential trip ups.
On 3/15/2014 12:30:18 AM, fishguts said:
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Muddy, slog, get used to it.
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Bottle portage, western end
Bottle portage, western end by Bradford
Bottle portage - east landing
Bottle portage - east landing by jaschiroo
East end of Bottle portage
East end of Bottle portage by collinsm22
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