Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 559 (Cam to Brule)

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Approximate Length:
469m (93 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/29/2024 8:19:56 PM, Christopher Halvorson said:
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beautiful lakes through this loop. This portage was nice, boulders, and slight elevation change. good landings are a pleasant welcome from the landing to the north...
On 12/27/2020 9:30:54 AM, Riley Smith said:
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These portages have always been a bit of a looming challenge for us because of their difficult reputation. We pulled in and immediately noticed the landing. There seems to be a theme in this chain of really difficult landings with boulder footing. Strangely enough, there's almost always a nice flat spot nearby that doesn't connect to the portage in any way just to taunt you. Anyways, this portage starts rocky at the landing on Brule and continues to include rocky footing the majority of the way to Cam where another boulder-filled landing is waiting. The scenery is worth it!
On 1/7/2017 10:40:14 PM, Blatz said:
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Not a bad portage but getting to the north end from Cam lake is a challenge.You can't see the portage because there's a very high pile of large boulders in the way. You have to lug your gear up the pile before you get to the portage.
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