Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 835 (Loon)

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Approximate Length:
1310m (261 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 7/12/2024 8:09:52 AM, Riley Smith said:
Visit Date:

With wet conditions being the theme across the BW right now, this portage was brutal. We started from Heritage Creek where a muddy, slippery trail begins. It then climbs a slick rock face and gains elevation quickly. There are a couple of other slick descents and flooded patches. Near the end, the trail disappears into knee-deep grasses before popping out on the most unexpected beach landing. For us, this was far and away the toughest portage of the trip combining length with some condition-impacted terrain and obvious low use (down trees abound,) We pushed through it and out into Loon.
On 1/30/2024 12:34:23 AM, Brad said:
Visit Date:

We were traveling from Loon Lake to Heritage Lake. As you approach the large sand beach look for the portage to the right along the creek. This portage starts out fairly flat and then a steady up hill climb. 2/3 of the way across the portage intersects the Sioux/Hustler Trail. Then a sharp descent over a large rock and down toward the portage landing. It is a long tough portage.
On 9/29/2020 10:40:19 AM, Crystal Magiera said:
Visit Date:

Our map said this portage was about 220 rods. Paddle Planner says it's 261. It's definitely 261 lol. We single portaged this and the length is the main thing that made it a doozy. Otherwise not too bad. If coming from the Heritage side, there is a straight up hill rock slab climb in the beginning that would be very difficult if raining out. Beautiful sandy beach on the Loon side.
On 7/15/2018 11:07:09 PM, Egapillar said:
Visit Date:

On this date there was a lot of dead fall on the trail, including trees that will knock the canoe off your shoulders if no ones guiding you. some mud, and it seemed longer than 220. the beach at Loon was a welcome surprise after a long hot and buggy walk
On 7/12/2017 4:30:04 PM, Shoot!TheRapids said:
Visit Date:

There is a great sandy beach on the Loon Lake side of this portage--perfect for swimming! If you are entering via Loon like we were, it can be difficult to find the portage because of the expansive beach. The portage goes through the tall grass at the far right side of the beach. Coming from Loon, the portage starts off fairly gradual but definitely has a lot of elevation change in the middle. Within 30 rods or so of Heritage Creek, there is a very steep section over a large rock--almost everyone in our group slipped trying to come down it. The portage was dry for us and not too treacherous. Overall, its length is the only thing that makes this difficult.
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Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage by Egapillar
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage by Egapillar
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage by Egapillar
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage
Loon Lake Beach at Heritage Portage by Egapillar
Preparing to Portage
Preparing to Portage by Crystal Magiera
Hiking to the beach
Hiking to the beach by RougeCanoe
Pano Beach on Loon
Pano Beach on Loon by RougeCanoe
Portage by Brad
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