June 23
We put in at Wallace lake boat launch with three dogs two boats. Cool, over cast with on off rain. As we paddled off to the north headed for the Wanipigow river dogs settled down then the wind started to pick up frome the west, this was a nice help as we paddle up steam.

we got yo Side rock lake with the winds still increasing. We made it to a camp site on an island at the east end of the lake. Pleasant surprise as this site had a fire pit three very nice tent pads, and best surprise was a thunder box couds came in and the rains started in the evening

June 26th
The rains continued with heavy winds stuck here for the day
June 27th
Cleared up got out onto the river. levels were lower that we expected.

Continued east up stream waded up a couple of sections was refreshing as the temperature climbed. Got to the second portage it was totaly grown over. stayed there a while had a bit of lunch and enjoyed the scenery

We noticed that the weather was starting to change once again we deciced to he back down stream rather than getting caught on the river with no place to set up camp with one of our dogs that started to get sick best play it safe. a couple of hours later the weather realy did change heavy rain, hail and winds I would hazard a guess of over 80 kph had to sit this out tucked back in the shore line of east Side Rock

After the storm pasted, the winds subsided we high-tailer it to a camp site.
June 27th
Dog was getting worse abandoned the trip to get the guy to the vet