The landing on Canoe Lake is large, somewhat scenic and has plenty of room for us to stash our canoes out the way. This trail is a doozey and as we ascend the first hill, we immediately give thanks that this is only a day trip. I rather enjoy jaunts like this as these longer trails offer a lot of diversity. Aurora & Grayson find several unique spots to rest & explore along the way.
The group we met at the landing is still enjoying the lower falls area once we arrive so, we head just downstream to marvel at the colossal cedar tree residingthere. I haven’t been here in a few years and looks a little more worn than I remember. Still, when putting all things into consideration, I think this tree is more impressive than the falls.

Aurora & Grayson are having a blast finding, skipping rocks & just exploring. Once the other crew vacates the area, we move over to the pool below the falls and do some swimming. Grayson isn’t too enthused and quickly retreats to the sanctuary of shore but, we all enjoy absorbing this surreal atmosphere God has created. Eventually we move on to the upper falls as well and explore the various semi-hidden nooks & crannies around that area.

Pine Lake is entirely too beautiful to just pass on by without stopping and appreciating its Divine splendor so, we linger on the shores of this beautiful body of water. Besides locating several excellent skipping rocks, Aurora & Grayson also gleefully discover a multitude of toads and frogs amongst the shoreline roots & boulders as they enthusiastically continue their explorations.

After getting back across this formidable trail, we decide to pull into the vacant campsite located just up the lake. It’s nothing special but, it is in better condition than I recall. A tight landing leads to a small fire grate area encircled by tall grass & weeds. There’s a cluster of small sawed-off log pieces serving as benches. There is one decent tent pad just behind with a couple of marginal ones as well. It looks awfully buggy here so we don’t linger.

Having caught our collective breaths back in camp, Brain, Grayson, Aurora & myself decide to paddle back into Paddle Lake to try some fishing. For the most part we are able to easily paddle the narrow channel but, I do need to hop out and pull us through the last bit of riffles before the lake.
Aurora hooks into a fish that is certainly bigger than the sunfish they had been catching from shore. We are hoping for some walleyes but, it turns out to be a small bass. We catch several more before we are joined by another group. Even though the fishing isn’t exactly what we were hoping for, Paddle Lake is a quiet, beautiful little getaway from the main travel routeand we savor the time spent here.

Joe made the “sacrifice” to stay back and has the fire going and hot water on the grate for us when we return. It’s our last night and we have some chicken & wild rice soup for supper. Once again Aurora & I play some rummy in the tent as our nightcap.

While nothing like yesterday, it’s still another noticeably foggy morning. Breakfast is mostly an afterthought as Joe & I begin to get camp tore down. Soon the rest of the crew is up and joins in helping where they can. Aurora & Grayson spend these last fleeting momentsby the lakeshore watching the mergansers, pestering the bullfrogs & skipping rocks.

It’s a gloomy paddle back to the entry point but, we encounter only a brief and very light mist along the way. Aurora spies a lone mink up along the shores of East Bearskin whichbreaks up the cadence of our monotonous paddling. It always seems to me this lake is maddeningly long on departure days.

Once back at the landing, we thank and wish each other well. Joe, Brian & Grayson want to get on the road home ASAP so, after dropping off the canoe at Clearwater outfitters, they don’t plan on joining Aurora & I at Trail Center for lunch.