Never planning to paddle too much with the Dodger dog, this was mainly a fishing and hiking trip.
Sunday we got up before dawn and headed up the Gunflint from Duluth. Arrived at the parking lot on an overcast yet calm day and paddled across West Bearskin. 57 rod portage was a breeze. Daniels welcomed us with open arms; and rain! I hoped for a site on the north shore as it was a north wind and I didn't want my bobber constantly sent back to me. However, these sites were taken. We ended up at the last site on Daniels, right on the Border Route Trail (BRT). Both my wife and dog were cold, wet, and miserable and so took a break in the tent. I tossed a line out and almost immediately caught a nice Splaker at high noon! We then hiked north along the BRT hoping to reach Rose. However, the trail was completely flooded at one point and we turned back. Dinner of trout and taters was amazing.
Next morning I fished with no luck, then we set out to head east on the BRT, hoping to reach the Mountain Lake overlook. We made it to a phenomenal overlook of Watap. After this point there were many down trees which we hopped over. Dodger dog cleared many of them with his stealth. Mere yards from the overlook, however, a huge blowdown prevented us from making it all the way. Still an epic hike.
Morning came early and I threw in a line. Caught a nice Bass close to noon. Catch and release.
Shortly, we headed out on a choppy lake with an exhausted dog. Bearskin was especially rough but the Good boy sensed our unease and stayed laying down the whole way across. Perhaps next time we'll paddle further with him. On the way out driving down the Gunflint trail, a moose crossed our path! Bucketlist item: check!