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Balsam Fir Abies balsamea
Last updated by Larix813 on 3/16/2019 11:15:56 PM

Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea


The Balsam Fir is an early sucessional species that needs plenty of sunlight to grow. It usually doesn't live particularily long before giving way to Spruce and Pine. The tree is very vulnerable to fire and has been fuel for more than one large BWCA wildlfire. The smell will be familiar to many people as this tree is used across the country as a christmas tree. It can be distinguished from Spruce by the "roll test." If the needles roll in your fingers it is a Spruce; if the needles are flat, it is a Fir.

For more information, check out the USDA profile of the species here.


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