Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 329 (Knife)

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You can click on the campsites, portages, and lakes on the map to go to their respective pages. To see the portage on a fully interactive map, click on the "View on Interactive Map" link found below.
Approximate Length:
197m (39 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 9/30/2024 11:37:35 AM, HappyRock616 said:
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Lots of bear droppings (with berry content), along the full length. No sightings, but over 10 piles. Technically very easy portage.
On 8/12/2024 8:40:17 AM, soultwist said:
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Up & Down, Not too bad.
On 3/17/2023 12:03:39 PM, Riley Smith said:
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Not bad through here. Updated: Visited on a staff training trip in 2021. The nearest campsite had a flagpole rigged up. They had a legitimate flag flying from the top of tree. Odd. This valley has a neat feel to it and saves quite a bit of time heading over this portage than paddling around.
On 1/26/2023 8:54:46 PM, dadof6 said:
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Easy up and over. Nice shortcut to the border.
On 6/14/2022 10:53:29 AM, kaywhypaddle said:
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It's a little hidden on both sides, but you will know when you find it. Landings are fine but not great. Not a difficult portage at all. We did a loop from SAK, taking the 50 rodder to the NE of here into Knife, then back out to SAK via this portage. It's a nice little circle and plenty of great fishing along the way. Campsite #1437 makes for a very nice lunch stop, if available.
On 2/25/2022 9:38:36 PM, elkninja said:
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Easy to find. Wide trail. Pretty walk through the woods.
On 6/15/2020 10:55:38 AM, BobberRob said:
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The portage itself is very simple and easy to spot coming from Knife. 1/5
On 5/29/2020 4:00:48 PM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
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Nothing serious but it does climb up to SAK. In my opinion the 51 rod portage just to the NE is a much more user friendly/level trail that gets you in/out of the same areas.
On 8/26/2019 1:50:36 PM, Mike Monahan said:
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Simple portage up and over
On 1/29/2019 1:07:45 PM, flynn said:
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A little hard to spot, but if you find the open rock face for the campsite, you'll find the portage right next to it. Not difficult at all.
On 7/5/2015 1:31:45 PM, Joe Scott said:
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Very easy portage just up over a small hill. It was in good shape.
On 2/13/2015 11:59:14 AM, Christopher Halvorson said:
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As the elevation chart states... this is just a little hump. easy enough. 4 out of 10
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IMG_7718_cc.jpg by Mike Monahan
39 rod Knife lake portage
39 rod Knife lake portage by TuscaroraBorealis
north portage landing
north portage landing by elkninja
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