Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 418 (Ensign to Vera)

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Approximate Length:
720m (143 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/12/2024 10:39:40 PM, ElkNinja said:
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Good bwca portage. Requires effort and some caution, especially if wet. Medium length and some elevation but beautiful view from up top.
On 7/24/2023 12:37:58 PM, camilocano said:
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Long portage with medium difficulty due to some larger rocks that may be slippery and tall steps to take (difficult with a heavy canoe on your shoulders). Did this one after the Knife-Vera so we were already pretty tired, but this was much, much easier. Great views.
On 9/12/2022 12:34:49 PM, MontanaPaddler said:
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Long but easy, it's like walking on a sidewalk with all the flat ledge rock up high
On 7/18/2021 12:35:57 PM, kaywhypaddle said:
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We only hiked about a part of the way across this portage because we had heard there was a good view of Ensign from there. The view is pretty good, but the real treat was finding some wild blueberry bushes along the way. The hike itself is pretty steep, but not so so bad. It would be a whole new level if wet though.
On 8/7/2019 8:40:17 PM, Riley Smith said:
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It was a nice enough portage. It was scenic. My group was struggling a bit by the end of our trip, but we handled this one well. It was a little bit of up and down, but not too bad of a portage.
On 7/8/2019 11:34:50 AM, flynn said:
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Got some length to it, but elevation is not too bad as it comes in short bursts followed by relative flatness. It took about 45 minutes to double carry. Overall maybe a 6/10 when not wet, but if wet, the amount of rocks would make one want to be careful on this portage. Despite the length, I would rather do this portage than some short ones further east.
On 3/20/2018 2:13:03 PM, Teenda said:
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Nothing crazy, just medium long. Great views of Ensign from the top. I portaged when dry but could likely be slippery when wet.
On 9/19/2016 9:00:38 PM, niem0128 said:
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For whatever reason we were having a tough time spotting it from Vera. Generally very similar to our previous portage, from Knife to Vera. Our newcomer who had been saying portaging was easy on our first day going from Moose to Knife, was about ready to pass out after today's two longer portages. For experienced portagers, neither are too tough.
On 9/22/2015 12:34:16 PM, BobberRob said:
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There are some GREAT views once you get to the peak. Take your time climbing, the footing can be questionable. MAKE SURE you are on the portage and not the winter trail when going from Vera to Ensign.
On 2/13/2015 12:03:24 PM, Christopher Halvorson said:
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climb out of Ensign is decently steep. very do-able. 6 out of 10.
On 7/6/2014 9:32:26 AM, Bradford said:
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Nothing too challenging tho it has some ups and downs.
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View of Vera
View of Vera by Christopher Halvorson
Vera Portage
Vera Portage by Christopher Halvorson
Vera-to-Ensign Portage
Vera-to-Ensign Portage by Kerosene
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